Top Driving Behaviors Police Look for When Pulling Over Drivers
Posted By The Law Offices of Jeffrey C. Grass || 13-Jul-2013
The criminal defense attorneys at the Law Offices of Jeffrey C. Grass are dedicated to keeping Texas communities and Dallas area roadways safe. Being pulled over for a driving infraction or suspected DUI or DWI is never a pleasant experience. Take care to avoid these common driving mistakes to avoid being charged with a traffic or criminal offense.
One of the quickest ways to draw the attention of a law enforcement officer is to exceed the posted speed limit or even drop below the minimum recommended speed. In Texas, some highways have posted speed limits of up to 80 miles per hour, and a driver should select a speed he or she feels comfortable with—especially if the roadway is unfamiliar. Remember, a speed limit is the maximum speed at which the Department of Transportation believes you can safely travel.
Hazardous Driving
Hazardous driving can encompass anything from erratic lane changes to failing to signal before turning to rolling a stop sign. In general, an illegal U-turn, failure to yield, or following too closely will get you pulled over quickly. Experts advise motorists to avoid such behaviors as using a cell phone or even engaging in distracting conversations with other passengers. While using a handheld device is not strictly against the law in the state, many Texas counties enforce a ban on texting while driving.
Vehicle Violations
Finally, police officers keep an eye out for vehicles that violate state laws. For example, equipment violations such as burned-out taillights, broken windshields, expired tags, or missing license plates can result in heavy fines.
The Law Offices of Jeffrey C. Grass is a full-service criminal defense law firm, and our lawyers regularly handle a wide range of state and federal charges, including aggravated assault, sex crimes and abuse, drug crimes, and DUIs.