Spotlight on False Rape Accusations
Posted By The Law Offices of Jeffrey C. Grass || 6-Jan-2015
Sex crimes are a serious criminal offense and they can inflict lifelong psychological damage on the victims. Unfortunately, less attention is generally given to the damaging consequences of false rape accusations. Furthermore, those who make false rape accusations often do not face criminal consequences, since prosecutors do not wish to make real rape victims hesitate to report sex crimes. If you’ve been falsely accused of sex crimes, it’s essential to take the charges seriously. Despite your innocence, you will need to hire a criminal defense lawyer right away to protect your rights and your freedom.
False Accusation Motivations
There are many possible reasons why someone might falsely accuse another person of rape. Often, false accusations are made for revenge. They may be made because the accuser feels that he or she will somehow profit from the accusations. For example, a false accusation of rape may be made during a child custody case so that the accuser may be more likely to gain child custody than the accused. Other individuals may falsely claim rape because they desire the attention and sympathy it will give them. Sometimes, a false rape accusation may even be made to create an alibi to cover up a different crime.
Life-Changing Consequences
Although individuals who make false rape accusations often do not face consequences for their actions, those who are accused must deal with penalties. It is possible for a person wrongly accused of rape to be convicted, serve time in prison, serve a sentence of probation, be required to register as a sex offender, and face other criminal penalties. However, even if an individual does clear his or her name with the help of a criminal defense lawyer, damage has already been inflicted. The social stigma of the mere accusation of rape may be sufficient to destroy personal relationships and damage business opportunities.
Criminal defense attorney Jeffrey C. Grass believes that every individual accused of sex crimes or other criminal offenses deserves access to the best possible defense. At the Law Offices of Jeffrey C. Grass, our criminal defense team will put our extensive resources to work for you to help you obtain a favorable outcome for your case. Residents of Dallas, Plano, and beyond can contact our criminal law firm at .