Skilled Bail Hearings Attorney in Plano
Bail hearings, like any other court hearing, can have unexpected and unfavorable outcomes if you appear at them without an effective advocate. Bail is an amount of money that the court decides is sufficient to secure your return to the court following an arrest. The prosecution will typically be looking to have your bail set higher in order to better encourage your compliance with all court hearings and your trial. A bail hearing is a venue in which you can make the case for a lower bail. The court will hear arguments from your Plano criminal defense attorney and from the prosecution as to what is the appropriate bail in your situation.
Some of the common factors that are considered in setting bail include:
- The nature of the crime you are currently charged with
- Your behavior while out on bail in the past
- Your financial resources
- Your ties to the community
- How long you have lived in the area
- Whether you have family in the area
- Whether you have a job that would tie you to the area
Need help? Call to get started with a free and initial consultation.
Comprehensive Criminal Defense from a Former Navy JAG Officer
Successfully positioning yourself to receive a lower bail calls for skilled and experienced representation that knows the local courts. At the Law Offices of Jeffrey C. Grass, we are committed to helping the accused at every stage of the criminal justice process including bail hearings. Attorney Jeffrey Grass has been defending the rights of individuals in Texas for more than 20 years. His familiarity with the local courts and the judges and attorneys who work them can be invaluable to someone who is seeking to secure a bail that he or she can actually afford to pay.
The Law Offices of Jeffrey C. Grass: Providing Comprehensive Criminal Defense
If you have been arrested and are facing a bail hearing, you need to secure the best criminal defense. Our focus on providing comprehensive criminal defense makes choosing our firm the right choice.
Please contact us to learn more about how we can help you protect your rights.